6 Minute Medicine Ball Ab Workout
Elise here!
I don’t think you can ever have too many ab workouts.
By now you all know I love me some ab workouts and since this is my turn to write a blog post,you are stuck with more ab workouts. Sorry not sorry.
But seriously your core isn’t just an area that looks good in a bikini, but it actually affects all other areas of your fitness. Working your core increases your flexibility and balance, which is one of the major ways to deter injuries. Usually when people get hurt in other areas it has to do with not having a strong core. Who would’ve thought back pain could be reduced from doing core work?
Here’s a quick 6 minute medicine ball ab workout to add to your arsenal for days you just can’t make it to Sweat Fixx:
• Tucks: Begin laying on your back arms straight up in front of your face holding onto your medicine ball. You are going to draw your knees through your arms, as if you are trying to touch your knees to your nose. You want to try to get your butt off the ground as much as possible, really crunching your core. On your exhale lengthen your legs down so they are hoovering a few inches off the ground.
• V Twists: For beginners start with your feet on the ground, everyone else feet up thighs squeezing together. You are sitting up tall on your sits bone and a slight bend in your elbows (to kick it up a bit, work to keep straighten your arms completely) Engaging your core and breathing into your oblique you will twist to the right side. The ball gently hits the ground and you will draw yourself back to center then attack the other side.
•Standing Chops: Standing feet a little bit more then hips width apart draw the ball overhead to the right. Like you are reaching towards the ceiling working into those oblique. On your exhale draw the ball to the opposite foot.
•Full Extensions: Begin laying on your back arms straight up in front of your face holding onto your medicine ball. On your inhale crunch your knees in, shoulder blades lift off the mat. Everythng meets in the middle for the intial crunch. On your exhale extend your arms directly over head and feet hoover a few inches off the mat. Hold for one second then crunch everything back in.
•Figure 8 extensions: Here is where the fun starts. Begin nice and tall on your sits bone. HOldng the ball in one hand your will begin to figure 8 your legs . Brining the ball over one leg and under the other. You set of figure 8’s then you are hitting that full body extension from the prevous exercise.
Good luck!