#MyFirstFixx – Fears, Questions & I’m New, OH MY!

Hey Crew!

Kathleen, here! I’m your resident Sweat Fix Assistant PR rep & you’ll also catch me at the front desk!

I want to kick off GRAND OPENING WEEK by saying how excited I am to share this experience with all of you! Inside the studio, we’re so excited and working hard to get ready for you to see it for yourself. The amount of respect and admiration I have for Elise in taking a leap of faith by starting something the Greater Boston Area has never seen before is unparalleled.

I want to share my thoughts, concerns and feelings going in to my first row classes, hoping they will ease yours.

My first Row Fixx class while getting the studio ready gave me some serious anxiety. Although I spin 4-5 days a week and lift, I was so anxious about taking these classes. Some of my thoughts were:

  • What does a row class consist of?
  • Can I complete a class?
  • I have some physical limitations; will that stop me from rowing?
  • How do we track progress?

I not only completed class, I didn’t throw up and I keep coming back to get my fixx. I’m getting stronger and better – so will you!

Row classes, though intimidating, are just like trying any new workout. Go at your own pace, but strive to stay outside of your comfort zone. Instructors here at Sweat Fixx will walk you through a workout that combines rowing as well as strength on and off the rower.

Contrary to popular belief, rowing is not all upper body or arm strength. You’ll hear, 60/20/20, all the time in class. Rowing is 60% legs, 20% core & 20% arms. 60% legs… you’re going to want to remember that, it will help you keep pushing and really get that drive.

No class will keep you on a rower for too long, though – you’ll be getting off to work some strength and give you that active recovery. Some exercise off the rower can include:

  • Bicep curls
  • Tricep extensions/dips
  • Planks
  • Oblique & Ab work
  • And more!

Sweat Fixx has a variety of weighted dumbbells to fit everyone’s needs. There are always modifications for exercises– don’t be afraid to modify. Progress is something personal, you can track this by your split time or time to do specified meter sprints. The rowers have monitors that show these numbers to you. Progress could also be as simple as using less modifications in class.

The instructors are very approachable and will help you along the way. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, it seriously has helped me to ask even the “dumb” questions. Just like they say in school, the only stupid question is the one you ask yourself on the way home. Before class, letting instructors know your limitations or injuries will only help your workout. Personally, over the head weighted exercises don’t work well with my body. Letting the crew at Sweat Fixx know not only helps them queue modifications but also to keep an eye out for something that may cause you struggles.

Remember, this is your workout and we’re just here to motivate and push you. You’ll find me behind the front desk, snapping photos and next to you in class. Feel free to say hi or ask questions! I am looking forward to #GetMyFixx & see you guys get yours!

xo Kathleen


  1. Christie Cartwright on Jan. 20, 2017 at 4:21 pm

    You inspire me to be stronger!! Thanks you for everything you are!!