Fitness Goals 2017: Strive To Be Better Than Yesterday

Amanda here! I am one of your Sweat Fixx instructors and you can come Row with me Friday mornings at 6am and Sundays at 8am! But let’s talk fitness goals for a second..

New Year, New You, right? We’re now solidly halfway through the first month of 2017 – the month where many of us made resolutions to either try to break old habits or create new ones.

How many of you made a resolution to get healthy this year?

I was one of those people who used to set HUGE resolutions, like “this year, I’m not eating bread, so I can lose 20 lbs”, or “No eating dessert, so I can lose 20 lbs”. And then, come January 19th, I would cave.

I know I’m not the only one who has routinely failed my “New Year’s Resolutions”

So for 2017, I challenge you to re-think your resolutions and set yourself a series of goals. Goals that are attainable, with a little bit of work and discipline. Smaller goals, will eventually get bigger and bigger… until you hit December achieving something that you didn’t even think was possible in January. How awesome will THAT feel?

If you set a goal to try a new workout in 2017, try some new workouts! It feel a little awkward at first, but since you probably won’t be the only one doing the class for the first time, that awkward feeling shouldn’t last too long. After going to a couple classes, you’ll most likely find one that you like. Once you find a class you enjoy, chances are you’ll keep going back! The best part of enjoying your workout? You’ll not only get results, but you’ll also probably make some awesome friends along the way too (#fitfam).

Instead of setting traditional black and white, “I-must-achieve-this-or-I’m-a-failure” resolutions, why don’t you simply try to be a little bit better than you were yesterday? If you strive to be a little bit better tomorrow than you are today, do you know what kind of fitness goals you can crush?! All of them!

So today, jot down one thing you’d like to try to accomplish tomorrow in regards to your fitness. Do you want to schedule a class for later this week, or take a walk during your lunch break? It’s totally up to you. All you have to do is write down those goals, strive to meet them, and then work to be a little better tomorrow than you are today.

Tomorrow is always a different day, and the only person who can keep you accountable is you. So whether you decide to be a little better with meal prepping or making sure you schedule your workouts, the only person you have to be better than is the you that you were yesterday.
