Instructor Spotlight: Amanda Fakhreddine

It’s that time again! Lets get some dirty details on another one of your favorite Fixx Instructors. Amanda teaches every Friday and Sunday morning. If this girl doesn’t motivate you to hit your edge with her “can do” attitude, we don’t know who can. Her energy is contagious and we LOVE her fun twists she puts on exercises. If you haven’t tried Amanda’s class, we highly suggest it. You don’t want to be left out of her crew.

1.Tell us a little bit about your fitness journey? 
There are two parts to my fitness journey, I guess. I was a very active kid, and since my family moved around a lot, playing sports is what helped me make friends. I played three varsity sports in high school (soccer, swimming and softball), and loved the feeling of being a part of a team. I moved to Boston for college, and managed to say in decent shape by taking advantage of the Boston University gym & local studios. Then… it all sort of came to a halt right around graduation. Right after graduation (literally 2 days after I graduated), I started working three jobs and dove head first into becoming a full blown workaholic. I was constantly tired, moody, and going out for dinner & drinks. In 2012, I had been working for a local brewery for two years. I remember in March, I looked at myself and was like “who. the. heck. are. you.” The next day, I started a blog called “The Road To A Healthy Life”, as a way to keep myself accountable for my first goal… running my first 5K. It wasn’t pretty, but knowing that I had to check in with people who were following me helped keep me going. Since then, I’ve run two full marathons, six half marathons, and countless 5Ks & 10Ks.  In 2015, I was invited to speak at BlogFest at IdeaWorld, and fell in love with the fitness world and made a promise to myself that I would explore teaching fitness classes by 2016. In 2016, I broke my foot during a half marathon, so in my recovery I started looking into non-impact workouts and looking into fitness instructor opportunities. Later that year, I started teaching my first bootcamp class and well… the rest is history! 

2. When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx where can we find you?
When I’m not at SweatFixx, you can find me running around like a chicken without a head… 

HA. Ok, for real

I work full-time in Kendall Square as a Security Publications Editor for Akamai Technologies. I also do freelance social media work for my friends up at Deacon Giles Distillery in Salem, MA. I’m also in the middle/end stages of planning my wedding, so I’m frequenting a lot of craft stores in the area (if you have any recommendations – I’d love to hear them!). 

3. How do you fuel for workouts?
I’m really bad at eating before my workouts, since I typically try to get my workouts done first thing in the morning… within 30-45 minutes of waking up. Right after my workouts though, I typically will have a protein shake and a banana before hopping on the commuter rail. Once I get into the office, I make myself a little bowl of fruit and plain greek yogurt.

4,. Favorite Sweatfixx class and why?
This is a tough one… I’m split down the middle on Battle Fixx & Row Flow Fixx. Why? I LOVE pushing myself through the Battle Fixx and that feeling of super valuable discomfort during the 300m sprint is incomparable. I also love the mix of rowing and yoga in Row Flow Fixx – connecting movement with breath is both challenging and relieving. 

5. Go to local bar? What’s your favorite adult beverage?
Oh man – you can catch me having a drink (and sushi) at Sakura in Wakefield… I’m a fan of those Mai Tai’s! In general though, you can always catch me sipping on a hard cider or a local IPA at any bars in the area. 

6. Fun fact about you?
My fiance proposed with a Ring Pop on April 1st, 2016. I almost put it in my pocket right after he proposed with it. Oops. 

7. Favorite quote and why?
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined” – Henry Thoreau

I love this quote. It’s my gut check. When things get rough or super busy and overwhelming, I ask myself, “is this getting you closer to your goal life? the life that you’ve dreamed of?” If it is, I push through the busy patch and enjoy the ride. If not, I let it go. Life is too precious and too short to not spend it building the life you have always imagined. 

8. Tips for anyone whose thinking about trying Sweat Fixx for the first time?
Try it! The scariest thing about class is literally pressing the “sign up” button. 
The only person you are trying to be better than is the person you were yesterday. Lace those sneakers up and head into the studio. I promise there will be fun music, smiling people and a room full of new friends waiting for you. All of the workouts are scaleable and you are in charge of YOUR pace, so whether you are a seasoned athlete or a workout newbie, you’re guaranteed to get the best workout for YOU. Remember, no one else can see your screen, so it’s really all up to you. Come in and try any of our signature classes, and I am 99.99999% certain that you will fall in love with it!