Yes, fail is my favorite F word. Hear me out.
According to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition of “fail” is “to fall short”.
To. fall. short.
That’s it.
But you know what you have to to do to fail?
You have to start.
Whenever you miss your PR time, or you aren’t quite ready to lift the next set of weights up, you have consciously taken a big step out of your comfort zone. It means you started and even though you may not have met your goal THIS time, you started, you put in work, and you gave it your best.
Every time I sit myself on the rower and strap my feet in tight, I set an intention or goal for class – something that I want to accomplish. You might have even heard me say that at the beginning of class. Do I ALWAYS accomplish my goal? Heck no.
But you know what I do? I show up. You show up. You work your hardest with every push, pull and stomp. We all do.
If you set your goals high enough for you to fail, that means you are pushing yourself to be that much better, every single day. The more you work, the bigger you fail, the sweeter it will be when your hardwork pays off and you hit that new PR or you pick up that next set of weights.
Falling short of your goals isn’t the end of your story – it’s just the beginning. You will learn so much about yourself through that “fail”. You will find that fire within you that will continue to grow. Then, once you accomplish that goal… you’ll fail again trying to hit your NEXT goal.
Each time you fail, you show yourself where your limit is. Each time you push that “fail” aside and be just a little better, you prove to yourself just how strong you are.
That’s why fail is my favorite F word.
You can’t fail without starting, and we all know that starting is the hardest part.
Minda says
This is a subject close to my heart cheers. Thanks