As many of you know one of our crew members is taking a few weeks off to go tie the knot & enjoy some much deserved honeymoon time! While chatting with Amanda, she mentioned she would still try to get her own workouts in, even if it was just a quick five minute workout before she hits the beach.
The great thing about working your butt and legs is that most exercises can be done anywhere… with no equipment! There is no reason to lose that booty while on vacation!
So if you are traveling somewhere fun for a week-long vacation, or are just looking for another five minute routine to do when you’re bored at home this summer, we’ve got you covered. Personally, I end almost every leg day with this set!
Here’s you new go-to and equipment-less butt routine. All you have to do is lay a mat down, turn on the Kardashians (or whatever your guilty TV pleasure is), and burn the hell out of those buns.
This workout is quick ,but effective. It may “only” be five minutes, but if done correctly – with no rests in between – your butt will be on fire. If it’s not, give me a call after and come train me!
5 Minute Better Butt Workout
Equipment Needed: none
Go through this sequence 3 times:
- Donkey Kicks: Begin on all fours, shoulders over wrists and hips right over knees. Working one leg at a time, draw your knee into your chest rounding your spine. On your exhale, kick your bent leg straight up as if you are trying to stomp on the ceiling. 20 reps on the right side, then immediately switch legs for 20 reps.
- Straight Leg Raises: Start on all fours, straightening out your right leg. Your toe will be pressing into the ground and taking any bend out of your knee. Now keeping that straight leg lift it straight up, a few inches above hip height. Repeat for 10 reps, then hold your leg up above hip height and pulse for 10 reps. Switch and repeat on other leg
- Fire Hydrant Kicks: Begin on all fours, knees are right under hips and shoulders right over wrists. Working one leg at a time, keep the bend in your knee and open your leg out to the side. When you get to the point where it can’t go any further kick your leg straight. Pull your leg back up, and come back to all fours. That’s 1 rep!
- Laying Hip Raise: Laying on one side stack your feet one on top of the other. Working into your hips and keeping your legs straight you will slowly begin to lift and lower your leg. To add more of a challenge add a workout band around your ankles
- Bridges: Glute time! Laying on your back, begin to walk your feet right under your knees. Knees are point towards the ceiling. Engage your glutes and lift your hips straight up like there is a string connected to your weight pulling you up. Hold for one second at the top and then slowly lower down.