Jackie Doherty started off at Sweat Fixx as a rock star member who ALWAYS gave it 110%. She worked hard, lifted heavy and quickly started getting stronger. Soon, she was smashing her personal records and becoming a part of the 16 second club in Wakefield. She put in the hard work, and quickly started reaping the rewards of it all.

Then, Jackie took the mic, and started sharing her passion with the rest of the #FixxFam.

Jackie teaches at both Wakefield & Arlington studios, and if you haven’t taken her class yet, you’ll want to sign up before they waitlist. She’ll push you to be a little bit better and help you each and every step of the way.


How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?

My friend, Cate, mentioned to me that there was this row studio opening a little less than 10 minutes from my house. I have always been an athlete, but I was never getting that great of a workout at the gym, spinning just wasn’t cutting it anymore, and I needed something new – so I said let’s check it out. We signed up for a 5:30 AM class (so not like me) with Elise – it was amazing and exhausting! From there on out, I was hooked.

Once Elise mentioned to me about potentially becoming an instructor (and by mentioned, I mean she walked by me in a Sculpt Fixx class and whispered “you should think about instructing.” To which I responded with a giggle and “that would be cool”) I was so excited. This crew is nothing but hilarious and super motivating, so I am so honored to be a part of it.

What keeps you coming back?

The energy, the challenge, and the people. Everyone is always so positive, whether that means fighting to hit a PR or encouraging friends to try out this awesome workout – this community is always so supportive. On days I want to hit the snooze button, I think about how much better I am making myself, and how happy I am to see everyone bettering themselves as well. Sweat Fixx brings a new challenge to my daily life, whether that’s deadlifting 25lbs dumbbells, rowing 100 meters in 16 seconds or figuring out my HIIT playlist. I couldn’t ask for a better crew to row or teach with.

When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?

I work at an advertising agency in downtown Boston, called DigitasLBi. So Mon-Fri I am placing those ads online that you may think are irritably familiar. Otherwise, I am watching Netflix with my puppy, Brady and boyfriend, Mikey.

Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack?

Like I mentioned before, I work at an agency – one of the many perks is the snack room. Filled with chips, trail mix, protein bars, and fruit, there is anything you would want during the work day. So, whenever I need that quick snack I walk a few floors down and stock up for the week.

 Favorite guilty pleasure 

Buffalo wings and/or nachos. I am obsessed. Buffalo wings are craved on a daily basis, and consumed at least once a week.

It’s becoming sort of a problem… which I have no intention of fixing.

What’s one thing about you that people would NEVER guess?

I assume people are going to expect me to write that I was in a Jonas Brothers’ Music Video – but since that has been brought to attention a few months back – I will have to go with I am double jointed in my shoulders and can human jump rope with them. (Don’t believe her haha- check out When You Look Me In the Eyes 1:58)

What’s one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in the past six months?

I will 100% say becoming an instructor.

As a member of this #FixxFam, I come to class looking to the instructors to set expectations, demo the workouts and help me feel stronger every day. So, being able to be a part of the instructing end of it, is truly amazing. If you were to tell me six months ago that I would be writing workouts, choosing music (seriously, this is new for me – I only listen to the Hamilton soundtrack) and teaching classes, I would have thought you were crazy. So, I guess you can say I am pretty proud of getting to this point. I owe it all to the crew!

One piece of advice you would give to someone who is walking through the SF doors for the first time?  

Be confident, you are strong! You already won half of the battle by showing up, now believe in yourself and crush that work out. You will not regret it!

Oh and reach past the screws – trust me it makes all the difference!

 Anything else you want to add

I sound like a broken record, but I am just so excited to be a part of this team. Come row with me!