Instructor Spotlight: Jeanette Patenaude
If you haven’t met Jeanette by now, you might know her as “The Girl With The Towels”. It doesn’t matter whether she’s teaching a Row Fixx, Sculpt Fixx or Battle Fixx – Jeanette always brings a little extra fire with her. You can catch her rocking the mic in Wakefield during our evening classes and Saturday morning!
This week, we decided to chat more with Jeanette and learn more what helps fuel her fire. So make sure you book those rowers and snag a spot in one of Jeanette’s upcoming classes.
How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?
Aunty Kathy!
She kept talking about Sweat Fixx after it opened up, so I had to come try it out. After my first class with Elise, I was hooked. I’ve taken so many different types of fitness classes, but I nothing compares to Sweat Fixx. It amazes me that these classes are high intensity, but at the same time are low impact. Elise had great energy and, oddly enough, even though I wanted to die, I had a lot of fun! After taking one class, I could see how great Sweat Fixx is and what I could bring to these classes to continue challenging the members.
What keeps you coming back?
The crew and the amazing #FixxFam community. I think it’s so awesome that Elise let’s each instructor make the class their own. No matter what, you are leaving with sweat dripping down your face, but how you get to that point is going to be a little different – – and I love that! For example, if I want to feel like I am on top of the world I take Amanda’s class, or on the contrary if I don’t want to feel my legs, I take Michelle’s class; every instructor brings something different to the table.
When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?
In Melrose with my husband, Matt, and my dog, Lilly. In the summer, we spend our weekends at my parent’s house in Wareham. I also travel…a lot. I am a full time event planner for a law firm in Boston, so I travel to wherever the event is. My next trip is out to San Francisco. You can follow my travels on Instagram! #worktravelsofjeanette (my coworkers make fun of me).
Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack?
I would say all my snacks are from my kitchen, I don’t typically go out for JUST a snack… If I go out, it’s for a meal! So I guess I’ll just tell you what I’ve been bringing to work for my mid-AM snack lately is turkey roll ups (no bread, just a little mustard and arugula) with a side of blueberries.
Favorite guilty pleasure?
Wine and dark chocolate. Specifically a Malbec and this amazing dark chocolate & burnt caramel bar by Alter Ego. They have it at Whole Foods and it’s BOMB.
What’s one thing about you, that people would NEVER guess?
Matt and I grow grapes and make wine! Well, this is actually our first time, so I can’t call myself a wine maker… yet. Long story short, I’ve had white wine grapes from Italy in my backyard (the previous owner brought a seedling back from Italy in 80’s and planted it). After several trips to wine country, Matt and I got inspired to make wine from the grapes this year! We got about 25 lbs. of grapes.
Another thing that people might not know about me is that last year I went camping in Utah and visited Zion National Park. With a group of family/friends we completed the East Rim Trail, Angels Landing and part of The Narrows.
A few months later, the same group traveled to Arizona and completed the 11 mile hike (with 30lb backpacks) to Havasupai Falls.
One piece of advice you would give to someone who is walking through the SF doors for the first time?
Just breathe and keep going! There might be times in class where you just want to give up, but that’s where the magic happens. Keep pushing yourself, because you can do it. If you give up too easily, you will end up giving up at the same spot. Challenge your body and work through it; your mind and body will be stronger after each and every class if you do this. And if you don’t believe in yourself, one of the awesome instructors will make you! 🙂
Anything else you want to add?
I was hoping you were going to ask me about my fave Tv show. It’s Below Deck on Bravo. It’s AMAZING. So. much. Drama.