We have ALL been there. You discover a new diet or workout plan. You get excited and tell your friends and family about your new goals. You envision the “new you” and how much more fabulous you will look and feel once you “just lose the weight”. You start the plan, you eat what the plan tells you to stick to and try to stay patient to see your desired results.
But something happens before that. You start to feel tired and don’t have that same pep in your step to get out of bed for that early morning workout.
Your motivation has taken a nosedive.
Suddenly, you don’t see the point in why you started in the first place. So, what happens then?
You press the snooze button and skip one workout. Which then turns into skipping the next 4 workouts in your plan. You tell yourself you don’t have the time to meal prep and eat healthy. If you don’t have the time to stick to a workout plan an online coach has given you, you might as well go back to what you were doing before, working out when you “have extra time”, a.k.a never. Bottom line, instead of saying yes you can, you start to say no you can’t.
What is the difference between the people who lose weight and keep it off and those who live on a constant cycle of lose 20 pounds and gain it right back? Or the difference between the people who say no to dessert at the dinner party and the people who say no in the moment, but think about how much they want that cupcake the rest of the party, and end up eating 4 before they leave?
Anyone can find motivation to change their lifestyle. We have all seen a before and after picture and then inquired about the workout or diet that claims to have given these results. The difference between those who crush their fitness and health goals and those who don’t comes down to motivation and discipline. You can crush a goal if you lose motivation, but you can’t crush a goal if you lose discipline.
I can speak of this purely from my own experience. I get asked all the time. How do you commit to working out so much? How do you get up early before work even if you’re really tired? Does it bother you when you are the only person not eating dessert? How do you stay motivated to be so healthy?
My answer is pretty much always the same. I am not always motivated. I don’t always jump out of bed when it is dark outside to go for a run. I am not always grinning cheek to cheek when my family sits down to eat ice cream and I politely decline. I am motivated, however, by the way my healthy lifestyle makes me feel. I nourish, train and live in a way that helps me work hard, recover quickly and crush goals. This is only a result of using discipline to power through when I lose motivation.
So here is my advice for you. If you want to make a change to better your health, set yourself up for success. Make the decisions that push you out of your comfort zone enough to see real change. Any habit you adopt that will truly improve your well-being, mental or physical, will be hard at first. There will come a point where you will have to test your discipline and continue to push onward, because your motivation has disappeared. Empower and reassure yourself that you strong enough to stay disciplined through anything to get towards achieving your goal.
Yes you can, yes you will crush it.