Instructor Spotlight: Erica Garland

How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?
I heard about Sweat Fixx through my friend and instructor, Colleen Langone. I heard her talking about the classes and decided I had to try them myself. I immediately fell in love with the vibe! There is such a great feeling of community at Sweat Fixx. Everyone made sure that I felt comfortable as a new client, and you could tell that everyone was excited to be there. That sort of energy is contagious! When I saw that Sweat Fixx was looking to hire, I jumped at the opportunity to join this amazing team!`
What keeps you coming back?
As an instructor, I’m excited to be able to share that same welcoming feeling with new clients. We all know what it’s like to be the new person in a class! It’s intimidating! I want people to feel comfortable enough to come in and discover what we have to offer! As a client, the killer workouts and PEOPLE! I guess I might be biased, but I can’t get over it! This crew is pretty inspirational!
When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?
Most likely wandering around exploring Breakheart Reservation. I love being outside and hiking is one of my favorite hobbies. Having Breakheart so close by helps me get my nature fix(x) even when I don’t have time for a trip to NH. In the warmer months you can definitely find me soaking up every bit of sunlight I can get at the beach.
Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack or drink?
La Qchara in Melrose! Their chia puddings are my go to for a quick and delicious bite!
Favorite guilty pleasure?
Cheez-its 😂 Hot & Spicy and Extra Crispy are my most favorite guilty pleasure snack
What’s one thing about you, that people would NEVER guess?
Hmmm…this is a tricky one! Maybe that I’d never left New England until a couple years ago! My 1st trip? St. Croix! Go big or go home!
What’s one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in the past six months?
Joining the team here at Sweat Fixx! Getting back into teaching Yoga again has been so rewarding, and I feel like I’ve been learning so much and growing as an instructor from the team.
One piece of advice you would give to someone who is walking through the Sweat Fixx doors for the first time?
That you are stronger than you think you are. Know that everyone in class has been the new person before. Try to focus on yourself and not worry too much about what everyone else in class is doing. Push yourself hard, but don’t burn out trying to keep up with people who have been doing it for a long time. You work towards your own personal best!
Anything else you want to add?
Just that I can’t wait to meet everyone!

Catch Erica teaching Row Flow Wednesdays at 6:30 pm and Sundays at 10:15 at our Wakefield location & also her newest class 4pm in Arlington starting 1/28!