Hey #fixxfam say hello to one of Southie’s newest instructors Carlene Kluge. Carlene was a college athlete who played on the Bentley Women’s Basketball National Championship team in 2014. Her competitive edge paired with her bubbly personality makes her classes a MUST try in our newest studio. Her energy is contagious and it’s no surprised she’s quickly making a name for herself in the early AM classes- catch her on Mondays 6am & make sure to say HI!
How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?
I played basketball with Elise in college at Bentley. She was just as intense then as she is now- and then some. Why wouldn’t I want to be on her team again?!
What keeps you coming back?
I love to compete. I love how you can compete with other people in the class and more importantly compete with yourself. The workouts are always different, always challenging and never boring.
When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?
NYC for work, Yoga, cooking for my friends, hanging with my G-ma or Southie bar crawling are among my favorite activities. I’m super busy 100% of the time and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack or drink?
Sweet green is my favorite restaurant. I have yet to find a sit down restaurant that has a better salad. (let me know if you have one)

As for fave place to get a drink? M- street beach after work with my roommates.
Favorite guilty pleasure?
Bravo TV and overpriced groceries.
What’s one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in the past six months?
Becoming a buyer at my company. If you love the clothes at TjMaxx/Marshalls- you’re welcome- if you don’t like them, it wasn’t me.
One piece of advice you would give to someone who is walking through the Sweat Fixx doors for the first time?
It doesn’t get easier. Before that turns you away- give me a second. Your first time in class will be challenging without a doubt. But if you do it right the second third and tenth class will also be challenging. The difference is you will just get stronger and faster and more confident. The best part about Sweat Fixx to me is there will always be room for improvement, opportunity to pickup heavier weight and a chance to win your race… regardless of who is rowing next to you.
Hi my name is Patrice and I’m interested in trying out one of your rowing class. Do you have any specials for try outs, before I commit? I haven’t worked out in a while, about a year to be exact and I’m in my late 40’s so before I commit or can’t handle it I would like to try it out. When I first seen sweat fixx on the news I have been sweating it every since. It looks like y’all have a lot of fun.