Instructor Spotlight: Jess Doherty

Sweat Fixx has always put community first and lucky for us it is a big reason we have met some of our great new instructors – including this smiling badass, Jess Doherty! We were so excited that Jess was able to take her love of crushing Sweat Fixx classes to the next level – and join our crew! She began taking Southie by storm and now will be taking the mic in our new Beverly location! Check out her full schedule and grab a spot in her class – you’re guaranteed some laughs and a LOT of sweat!

How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?

I work for lululemon as my full-time hustle. The first store I worked at Elise was our ambassador! My friend Molly (the infamous molly rose fit) and I took our first class together March 4th, 2018. See picture below…

After that I didn’t go back to Sweat Fixx as much as most would. I was intimidated… I wasn’t the most fit person in the room & my esteem still being in the college scene wasn’t very high. I did a couple classes here and there but was also doing barre and thought that was what I should be teaching. I went through a Barre Certification training and realized it was not for me, but I knew I wanted group fitness in my life.

When I heard Sweat Fixx was opening a new studio in Southie I was very excited (I live 12 minutes away). I talked to Molly and asked if I should audition and I still remember (and she always reminds me this) I said, “I’m not badass enough to be a Sweat Fixx instructor.” Those words still push me to this day because at that moment in my life people like Elise Michelle & Carly… and especially Molly who had only been doing it for 4 months by then were people I wanted to be as strong and powerful as! And I still strive to be as strong and powerful. I knew I wanted to be on this team, so I started showing up more. It made me more confident and I practiced like crazy for my audition. These people motivated me and pushed me to go for what I want, and they still do every day.


What keeps you coming back?

Simply put – this team. These instructors, front desk staff (shout out my girl Danielle you make Saturday’s my favorite), and most importantly the clients who make it feel like it’s not a job. There’s something about being able to walk into a room of people who are making jokes and having a great time but as soon as that clock hits 9 it’s go-time… those are the people you want to workout with.

When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?

lululemon on Newbury Street is my home base 32+ hours a week! Come swing by if you need some new workout gear. You can also find me at Kickstand Cafe in Arlington on Mondays eating a Happy Bee sandwich and writing classes for all our awesome clients.


Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack or drink?

Pavement Coffee House on Newbury Street is one of my favorites for a quick Iced Matcha and a bagel. But if we’re talkin’ adult beverages you can catch me anywhere with nachos and margs on the menu (Loco & Temazcal are my tops).


Favorite guilty pleasure?

3 spoons & 1 pint of ice cream with my roommates, Monique & Kathleen, on the couch watching the same movie we’ve probably watched together 20+ times… and its usually Forever My Girl. Great sappy film if you haven’t seen it yet!


What’s one thing about you, that people would NEVER guess?

Rock & Roll is one of my favorite genres of music, especially from the 70s & 80s. Tesla, Van Halen, The Eagles, Mötley Crüe, Damn Yankees, Aerosmith, the list goes on & on. This is all thanks to Pauly D (my dad) and all our family car sing-alongs. Shout out to my 9am Grit for enjoying it with me!

What’s one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in the past six months?

Taking a leap and auditioning at Sweat Fixx. It was 6 months ago TODAY that I auditioned at Sweat Fixx. I cannot believe how much time has gone by and how much I have improved. It just shows how when you flip your mindset you are capable of so much more than you ever thought.


One piece of advice you would give to someone who is walking through the Sweat Fixx doors for the first time?

It’s gonna be hard. Every. Damn. Time. It never gets easier. And that’s the best part. By one week you will have proved to yourself that you can do so much. By one month you will have leveled up in weights. And as the months continue, you’ll realize how capable you are, how strong you have gotten, and how your mindset has completely flipped from thinking you can’t to knowing you can. I used to choose 5’s & 8’s because I was nervous that I wasn’t going to be able to keep up. But keeping up is not the goal. Strength is the goal! And you will achieve it if you leave your comfort zone.


Anything else you want to add?

If you’re every doubting yourself, please remember you are not alone. Just because we are fitness instructors doesn’t mean we were always fit & strong. I still have a very long way to go on my fitness journey and there is so much I want to achieve. I still struggle with meal prep, healthy eating habits & getting in 5 workouts a week; some weeks I’m lucky if I get in 2. But that’s life! And we’re all here together going through the waves of it. So, if you need an accountability buddy let’s do it together because its tough AF going through this journey alone.

Let’s set goals & surpass them together. See you soon

xo Jess


  1. Courtney Z on May. 14, 2019 at 8:49 am

    We love Mondays with Jess in Arlington!! Jess, you are such a fun badass and your playlists are the best!! Thanks for the shoutout. 😉