Instructor Spotlight: Anna Scapicchio

Without a doubt, at almost every Sweat Fixx event we held, you would be sure to see Anna there. She was so supportive of the studio long before we were lucky enough to have her as an instructor! We knew as soon as she expressed interest in teaching for us that she would be a great fit. Anna was already such a team player and the perfect addition to the crew. Her positive energy is contagious, and if you want a challenge just have a seat next to her on the rower!

Read more about Anna and how quickly she became part of our #fixxfam and how she is becoming stronger both mentally and physically in her spotlight blog!

How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?

I took my first class a bit after graduating college. I had been trying a bunch of classes in the area and seeing what worked for me. I saw a post on Instagram about Sweat Fixx and thought it could be fun to try. I hadn’t been on a rower since doing crew in high school and honestly did not think I ever would be again. I had so much fun in my first class with Elise, she made me feel so welcome and so a part of the team. As I started meeting other instructors and going to events I realized how close this crew was and how welcoming they were to not only each other, but especially with their clients. As I kept going to other studios, I realized I not only loved the work outs, but I loved the community… and that was what set Sweat Fixx apart.

What keeps you coming back?

The energy, the crew, the excitement I feel every time I walk into the studio either as a client or an instructor. Whether I’m in class, teaching, or at an outing with the Sweat Fixx fam, I always have an amazing time. I knew I would make some new friends when I started working at SF, but I had no idea I would have 40+ new friends that I talk to every day and are always there to support me.

I come back for the clients, too. Seeing someone in your class every week, excited that they have improved, lifting heavier and feeling better about themselves is one of the best feelings. Even if I’m having an off day, a client can totally change that around for me the second they walk in the door.

When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?

Now that it’s finally summer, you can find me at the beach! I am always out eating and drinking with friends, at my full time job in Andover or somewhere in between Andover and Boston trying new studios and working out!

Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack or drink?

I’m one of those people that will eat or drink pretty much anything and enjoy it, so this is a tough one! Anywhere I can get a burger or apps: I love getting dinner in Davis Square, but Southie is also a favorite. Lolita is great for margaritas if you’re trying to get a little fancier! 

Favorite guilty pleasure?

Definitely Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

What’s one thing about you, that people would NEVER guess?

I feel like I’m a pretty open book, but I have struggled with anxiety for a lot of my life. I find that confidence when I’m on the mic in class, but if you had told me even three years ago or when I was in college that I would be teaching fitness classes I would have laughed because there was NO WAY I would have been able to instruct a room of clients, or even give a presentation in front of a small class room.

What’s one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in the past six months?

Overcoming a lot of those anxieties that I just mentioned has been huge, and I think staying active and taking the time for myself to do that has played a huge role. Becoming physically stronger and more active has made me mentally stronger, more confident, and so much happier. I wouldn’t say I “accomplished” this though, because although I have come a long way, I have so far to go and want to continue growing through my personal goals, my fitness goals, and with this team. 

One piece of advice you would give to someone who is walking through the Sweat Fixx doors for the first time?

Leave your ego at the door and come in with an open mind. Don’t be shy with your instructor OR with your fellow clients – we want to be your friend and we want you to love the class. 

Be prepared to get a good workout, whether you work out every day or are just getting into the fitness scene – the rower is humbling for all of us. Like we always say, it’s not going to get easier, you’re just going to get stronger. 

Lastly, don’t get frustrated. Not every day is going to be your best day. Not every sprint is going to be your PR. But on those days you are still doing something for YOU for 45 minutes. Maybe on one of those days you don’t leave with a PR you will leave with a new friend, a new sense of motivation, a clear head, or a even a new goal. Even on the days I do not feel as physically strong, I have never left a SweatFixx class feeling like I didn’t positively impact my day.

Anything else you want to add?

Never be afraid to try a class by yourself! Classes with friends are so fun, but don’t hold back if it’s just you. We are here for you, you will meet some of your new favorite people, and we promise you will have fun 🙂 

You can catch Anna in Southie on Thursday nights and Sunday mornings & in Arlington on Wednesday and Friday nights!