Beverly’s First Member of the Month! Kayla Ribsam
Since our Grand Opening in Beverly, the Sweat Fixx crew has been lucky to have Kayla in a class almost every day! No matter what class she takes, she is ALWAYS leveling up and leaving the studio stronger than when she walked in. Not only does she welcome any challenge… she absolutely crushes any we throw at her! Kayla encompasses the idea of “you verse you” like no other – she is here to make herself stronger and push herself out of her comfort zone!
Kayla has contagious energy and not only will she be giving 100%, she will inspire others in that room to do the same.
These are just a few of the reasons we knew Kayla had to be our first Beverly member of the month! Read her blog to learn more about this amazing strong and hard working girl!
How did you first hear about Sweat Fixx?
I first heard about Sweat Fixx through Instagram! My friend & I saw there was a new studio coming to town, naturally got wicked excited and I signed up for the first class on opening weekend. Did I think I would be instantly hooked, no but seriously am. Am I glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone to try it out, duh.
What keeps you coming back?
It’s so hard to pinpoint one reason why I love Sweat Fixx so much. First of all, the community is unreal. The relationship I have formed with the instructors is so incredible. They are all so inspiring, motivating and just great friends to have in life not only in the studio but outside as well. The other thing that brings me back is how competitive I am with myself during class. Hitting that PR is an unreal feeling. Not only am I super stoked but the instructors are too, like generally as excited as I am and that’s a great feeling to have. I come back because of the way I feel every time I leave.
What’s one thing that you look forward to every time you come to a class?
Just seeing what these bad ass instructors have in store for me. I always walk out of class so impressed with what they came up with. Almost every class we are doing a new move that I’ve never done. A new challenge I haven’t tried. Sometimes I’m like oh that’s so cool and other times I’m like oh crap I’m gonna die but still so cool.
What motivates you to be stronger?
My fiancé is a total bad ass. He has always motivated me to go harder and faster and just overall kick ass in life. He is always working as hard as he can whatever he is doing in life which only makes me want to work just as hard. Also, not to toot my own horn or anything but like toot toot… I’ve been really motivating myself lately. Just seeing how confident I am compared to years ago is super inspiring. It’s an amazing feeling to love yourself, just keeps me going that extra mile to get stronger.
When you aren’t crushing it on the rower or mat, where can we find you?
Chasing a toddler and two preschoolers around trying to get a thick layer on sunscreen on them before we have ourselves a day at the beach or park. I almost burn as many calories being a nanny for three kiddos as I do in the first half of class
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Definitely binge watching Bravo trash TV while crushing a bag of flaming hot Cheetos. I don’t get to do it often but when I can I totally take advantage.
What are you most proud of accomplishing since you first came to Sweat Fixx?
I mean obviously I’m super proud of myself because I am hitting a new PR at least once a week. Seriously, such a high. But my biggest accomplishment since starting with Sweat Fixx would be waking up at 4:45 to get to the 05:30 morning classes. I was NEVER one to wake up and work out, seriously, maybe 5 times ever since college. I LOVE SLEEP. But I guess I decided I loved Sweat Fixx morning classes a little more! It’s such a great feeling leaving at 6:15 knowing that I got a killer work out in before some people even wake up!
One tip that you would give to someone who is coming to Sweat Fixx for the first time?
Get ready to be motivated AF. It seems pretty intimidating at first but once you get on the rower you just feel so bad ass that you forget about all your hesitations. Just go for it!
Anything else you’d like to add?
Sweat Fixx, thank you for being here. Thank you for motivating me to show up every day. Thank you for making me feel like a bad ass. I’m so thankful to be a part of such an incredible community.