Instructor Spotlight: Jen Jordan

When you think about motivation, inspiration or absolute strength – you better think of Jen Jordan. From day 1, she has brought a certain fire to our crew and to our clients. Her energy is both contagious and magnetic. You can’t help but feel a positive energy shift when you are around her and you can’t help but WANT to be around her – how freakin’ lucky are we all to have her part of this #fixxfam ?!

Jen brings 100% to everything she does – teaching classes, taking classes, running miles on miles and going the extra mile to make people around her feel supported.

Also, if you don’t follow her on Instagram – you probably should… entertainment, inspiration and complete realness. Not to mention, amazing photos 🙂

Read her blog to learn more & then head immediately to our schedule to find Jen’s next class and SIGN UP!

How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?

I actually found out about Sweat Fixx in its infancy- my cousins are from Wakefield and were both HUGE fans of our Sculpt class. Naturally, when Sweat Fixx debuted on the green that year, I was in attendance!
Every single time I took a class I left feeling strong AF and always left happier than I walked in. Everyone at Sweat Fixx is approachable, encouraging, and capable of teaching an absolute kick-a$$ class. As a regular client, and someone with experience fitness instructing, I had serious FOMO when I wasn’t part of the team- so I auditioned!

What keeps you coming back?

Every class is different; every class is challenging. Every day that I come to Sweat Fixx, I get something new out of it. New moves, new motivational things to say when I teach, new PRs on the rower. You crave that feeling of success and even on your off days- you can always find it here.

When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?

At any and every fitness studio in the area. I love to try new things and to challenge my body: I’m a fitness junkie. If I’m not in a class, I just might be running!

Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack or drink?

I’m such a foodie so “quick snacks” are rare for me but my favorite adult beverage is the 4-5-4 martini from Giacomo’s in Melrose!

Favorite guilty pleasure?

The TV show Brooklyn 99 and Teddy Grahams.

What’s one thing about you, that people would NEVER guess?

This one is really hard for me since I’m super public about everything that I do but I wrote a book last year. It’s not publish-ready, and it was just about my own life experiences, but was definitely a cool accomplishment and something that took a lot of time and energy.

What’s one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in the past six months?

Well being hired as an instructor at Sweat Fixx was pretty cool…. but other than THAT probably entering the lottery for the Marine Corps Marathon in DC in October and being chosen! Though I haven’t run yet, marathon running is one of those goals I had that scared me, but I turned my wish into a goal and found out it was just meant to be.

One piece of advice you would give to someone who is walking through the Sweat Fixx doors for the first time?

Let go of your expectations of how class is “supposed to go” and take everything one step at a time. Everyone was new once and the best way to experience Sweat Fixx is to jump right into the madness! You’re not expected to go a certain pace or lift a certain amount of weight- just be willing to step out of your comfort zone. Give it YOUR best and I promise that you’ll fall in love with it just like the rest of us have.

Anything else you want to add?

I say with 100% conviction that joining the Sweat Fixx crew has had a positive impact on my life. You don’t need to be an instructor to feel it: this team values community and leveling everyone up to become their best and most happy self, instructors and clients alike. When you take class you will typically find other instructors in class with you or at the studio, which is a testament to how much we believe in the business, and in getting our “Fixx”!