Instructor Spotlight: Jacqueline Cialone

Jacqueline brings an energy to her classes that makes you want to deliver your best performance – get ready for that PR! Not only will she challenge your strength and endurance but more than that, she will build you up and fill your cup in a quick 45 minutes. You will leave smiling and excited for your next opportunity to do it again!

If you enjoy a little singing and dancing while pushing yourself to your limits – Jacqueline’s class is the one for you! Read more about her below and then get to one of her classes – ASAP!

How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?

I noticed it driving by one day and had heard such great things about it from a coworker and my sister in law, Maria, I knew I had to try! Maria invited me to do a Glow Row with her which was so much fun and I was hooked after that! I love the close community, the fun classes and events, and the ROWER! Although I knew it would be a challenge to teach at Sweat Fixx because the classes are unlike any I have ever taught (or taken) before, I knew I wanted to be part of the team!

What keeps you coming back?

So much! I absolutely love the rower (which I never thought I would) and the variety of classes! They are always challenging, humbling, never the same, competitive, and most importantly motivating and fun! The awesome instructors are always pushing you get in one more meter, one inch lower, and give it 100%! I always leave sweaty as heck and feeling great!

When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?

I am a first grade teacher so you can find me at school! I am also a Mom! I have two sons, Joseph (10) and Jack (6) who keep me very busy! We are either at soccer, baseball, flag football, basketball or spending family time together!

Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack or drink?

Hmmmm I love snacks so this is a tough one! I would say Starbucks for a drink. I love coffee (decaf) and I don’t have a favorite drink there, I love them all! For snacks I would say Richardsons for ice cream and Flatbreads for Pizza! Oh and I love a good smoothie or bowl from the Juicery! So hard to choose just one!

Favorite guilty pleasure?

Ice cream!

What’s one thing about you, that people would NEVER guess?

I have completed 3 Whole 30s! I love to cook and eat clean (and indulge at times too) and learn about the best ways to fuel my body!

What’s one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in the past six months?

Well, since the last six months have been a bit crazy and far from normal, I would have to say just holding down the fort and trying to keep things as “normal” as possible at home with my family! Also, going through the Sweat Fixx training virtually!

One piece of advice you would give to someone who is walking through the Sweat Fixx doors for the first time?

You are going to feel amazing and if it’s tough at first don’t give up! I will admit I was totally lost at first! All the numbers, on and off the rower!! “How many do I need to do?” “How long do I have to do it in?” Meters, minutes?!?!? You will get it and you will love it, I promise! “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!”

Anything else you want to add?

I love the Sweat Fixx community and I am truly excited to be a part of it! Hope to see you all in class at some point!