Instructor Spotlight: Maggie Girouard
Right from the start, Maggie took the mic and brought absolute fire to Sweat Fixx – she blew us all away in her audition and continues to every time she teaches!
Maggie is extremely knowledgeable in strength training and knows exactly how to program a great workout and target certain muscle groups. You will not regret signing up for one of her sculpt classes – virtual or in studio! The best part? She will make you laugh the whole time and help you forget that your arms feel like they might fall off and every muscle is burning!
She has been popping up all over our Beverly, Wakefield and Arlington studios as well as our virtual schedule! We are so lucky to have her on our team.
How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?
I live fairly close to the Wakefield studio and am always on the hunt for great workout classes to switch up my fitness routine. After seeing Sweat Fixx pop up a bunch on my social media page, I knew I had to try a class. Even in taking my very first class, which was Grit with Carly, the immediate sense of a welcoming community was overwhelming. The music, the energy, the atmosphere was everything that I wanted in a group fitness class. I knew this team had something special and was dying to get involved somehow!
What keeps you coming back?
The community and the workouts! The workouts are constantly changing and always challenging. There is never an entire workout that will be the same or have you feeling tired of the movement. They are competitive, challenging, and effective. Plus each instructor brings a sense of energy that leaves you motivated and hungry for more. I also love how welcomed you feel every time you walk into a class. There is never a moment when a new client walks in and isn’t shown how to properly strap in the rower or given an encouraging introduction. Having this personal touch really makes you feel at home!
When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?
Either working out or grabbing food and drinks with my boyfriend and friends! Everything in balance 🙂
Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack or drink?
Anywhere with a good margarita and chips/salsa!!
Favorite guilty pleasure?
Really just any TV show ( guilty Netflix binger here) and Chick Fil A- I’m obsessed with their lemonade 🙂
What’s one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in the past six months?
I am extremely proud to have joined this Sweat Fixx team as an instructor!! I wasn’t a daily class taker by any means but saw a post about hiring new instructors and went for the plunge. I stepped WAY out of my comfort zone and in doing so, I found a new comfort zone that excited me so much. Something about being on the mic felt right (even though it took practice) I will forever be proud of myself for taking a leap of faith and in return, I am forever grateful for Elise and the team for believing in me!
One piece of advice you would give to someone who is walking through the Sweat Fixx doors for the first time?
Leave any worry or doubt at the door!! Sometimes that rower can seem intimidating but I promise you, you are stronger than you think. Go for the challenges and set your goals high because no one is judging you on them. If you don’t PR this round, that is just motivation for your next class. And finally, grab a heavier set of weights and take up space!
Anything else you want to add?
Just a big thank you to the Sweat Fixx crew!! Each studio feels like home and I’m so grateful to be surrounded by such bad a** people! Teaching within the fitness industry has always been a goal of mine and I promise to always show up for each client to crush their goals in return! Hope to see you all in class 😉