Member of the Month: Mike Blaisdell

We are thrilled to announced this month’s member of the month from Beverly… Mike Blaisdell! Mike is just the type of guy you want to have in class and in your community. He shows up to every class and always is the hardest worker in the room, constantly shooting for lower split times and picking up heavier weights. (we had to order more heavy weights in Beverly because of this guy! lol) He also is the first person to partner with new clients and show them what Sweat Fixx is all about. He brings a competitive energy to the room but at the same time couldn’t be more supportive to other clients around him. To top it off since his time joining Sweat Fixx he has lost 50 lbs! We could go on for days about how much we love this guy. But enough from us, let’s hear from Mike… take a peek below at his Q&A!

What caused you to first try Sweat Fixx?

I moved from Los Angeles to Beverly in May of 2021 and needed to find a new gym. I love class based gyms, and Sweat Fixx was right down the street. It was the first gym I tried in town and I was done in one! 

What keeps you coming back?

Every class has new challenges and they never feel repetitive. All the instructors do a great job mixing it up with the workouts to keep them interesting. 

What’s one thing that you look forward to every time you come to a class?

I love the daily challenge of trying to be better than I was the day before. With rowing there’s always the possibility of knocking down the split time another second or two. 

What’s your favorite class and why?

I really enjoy the structure of Grit classes, I like seeing what’s in store for the class and challenging myself at each station. I like that there’s always a rowing challenge or two. Plus, once you get the worst station out of the way, you know that you don’t have to deal with it for the rest of class (talking about you, split squats)

When you aren’t crushing it on the rower, where can we find you?

Usually taking care of my 3 year old, we like to read books, play Super Mario, and hang out at any of the many Beverly playgrounds. Next year I’ll be going back to school to pursue a career change in physical therapy. 

What’s your guilty pleasure?

I have a baking habit that results in a lot of cookies and donuts and muffins hanging around my house. Anyone is free to get in touch if they’d like to take some off my hands. 

What are you most proud of accomplishing since you first came to Sweat Fixx?

When I started at Sweat Fixx, I was coming off a long break from going to the gym due to covid and my cross-country move. I felt like I had lost a lot of progress from when I was working out regularly. Since I joined Sweat Fixx I’ve lost almost 50 pounds, and I feel like I’m in the best all around shape of my life. I’m also really proud of the progress I’ve made on the rower, I’d rowed sporadically before, but the focus on rowing at Sweat Fixx has really made me bear down and work on improving.  

One tip that you would give to someone who is coming to Sweat Fixx for the first time?

Have fun and talk to the other members and instructors! The community is really friendly and the coaches are always willing and happy to go over anything you might not be sure about.