Instructor Spotlight: Melissa Flanagan

Instructor Spotlight: Melissa Flanagan! Melissa joined the crew recently and is already making her mark on this Sweat Fixx community. She is one of the hardest working people we know. She is the ultimate team player, bringing her positive energy everywhere she goes. Her creative classes and contagious positive attitude makes it no surprise her classes are quickly becoming favorites in both our Wakefield and Beverly Studios! Catch Melissa on Mondays, Tuesdays, Friday and Sunday.. but first lets get to know her a little better with her Q&A below:

How did you hear about Sweat Fixx and what made you interested in being a part of the team?

I heard about Sweat Fixx when they first opened in Wakefield but the classes were always on a waitlist after the pandemic I saw a reel on Instagram and thought the classes and the instructors looked so fun so I finally took a class & saw they were hiring, I kept dragging my feet with applying, could I add something else to my plate? Would I  “fit in”  I took a leap and filled out the application and thought If its meant to be it will be!

What keeps you coming back?

The energy from the classes and the instructors have me coming back!

When you aren’t at Sweat Fixx, where can we find you?

If I’m not at Sweat Fixx I’m either working at the hair salon, working out or spending time with my family or friends!

Where is your favorite place to grab a quick snack or drink?

My favorite place to grab a quick snack or drink is either sweet greens. Or Burtons or any place that serves a good drink!

Favorite guilty pleasure?

My favorite guilty pleasure is watching anything on bravo or HGTV and sweets!

What’s one thing about you that people would NEVER guess?

People would never guess that I have zero patience.  (Only my family really sees me loose my s****) My poor family sees and gets the brunt of it.

What’s one thing you are most proud of accomplishing in the past six months?

One thing I am proud of accomplishing is honestly taking the leap of faith to become a Sweat Fixx instructor and prioritizing my hobbies now into a already busy work schedule!

One piece of advice you would give someone walking through the Sweat Fixx doors for the first time?  

One piece of advice I would give anyone walking in is to leave any worries at the door and let the energy of the class and instructor take over. Always remember why you signed up. We are our toughest critics. You belong and are stronger than you think!