Hey everyone- Kayla, here! You have likely seen me at the desk or next to you in class. When I’m not at Sweat Fixx, I also a Barre instructor at Xtend Barre in Burlington. I have been teaching there for just about a year. Before teaching Barre, I was a competitive dancer for 12 years. I fell in love with Barre and all the ways I could integrate dancing into my workouts.
Like many people, I was exclusively working out at the Barre. I came across an opportunity to work the front desk at a new Row and Sculpt studio in Wakefield, and it was nothing like I had seen before. I was a little nervous at first, but after a few classes I am blown away at how much Rowing can compliment my time at the Barre.
Many of us are skeptics and look for a good reason to change our routine. Here are 5 reasons that Row will compliment Barre so well:
Rowing hits both large and small muscles: When was the last time you realized that your fingers were getting a workout, too? Rowing is a total body workout that will leave you feeling stronger than ever. One of the major areas that rowing strengthens is your back. These movements allow you to stabilize your spine. In the barre class, you will notice improved posture. You’ll have a longer line between the crown of your head and your tailbone and relaxed shoulders that are rolled back, showing how confident and fabulous you are.
Rowing helps build muscle strength: One of the primary muscles that a rowing workout strengthens are the quadriceps (the large muscles in front of your thighs.) As your quads become stronger, exercises can be done more efficiently and with greater strength. This means deeper second position plies, higher jumps or lower lunges. The options are limitless to feel stronger and show the barre star you really are!
Rowing Improves muscle and joint mobility: Rowing conditions many different muscles and joints without straining them – think low impact, high intensity for maximum results. 84% of your body muscles, to give you a better idea. The combination of low impact paired with high intensity makes rowing the ideal for those with arthritis, osteoporosis, or any other difficulties with their joints. Your muscles and joints experience a wide range of movement during a row workout, helping to minimize stiffness and increase flexibility. This increased flexibility will be noticed at the barre. Higher battements, deeper curtseys, and an untouchable arabesque – surprise yourself with your new and improved limits!
Rowing helps the heart: Due to cardio bursts, Row keeps your heart rate up. An elevated heart rate during class means more benefits for your body. You’ll burn more fat, improve your stamina, decrease your cholesterol and improve your immune system. What does this mean for your barre classes? Less stopping! You will develop the stamina to continue through each pulse, lift and plié without breaks. You will be stronger than ever thanks to working out one of your most important muscles- your heart!
Rowing helps you find your best body: Something that is not often talked about is the factor that genetics have in the changes you will see in your body for any given workout. You may never have a ballerina body and guess what – that’s ok! You may have a challenging time gaining muscles in your glutes but see results quickly in your arms, each and every body has a different composition and responds to workouts differently. Combining the small isolated movements of barre with the strength training and cardio component that Sweat Fixx offers with their signature Fixx classes will help you see the results you have been craving.
As a fitness instructor, I’ve made the commitment to incorporating workouts other than barre to help me gain strength and mobility. The crew at Sweat Fixx have made this commitment to myself easy by motivating me through classes and holding me accountable. In the short 4 weeks that I have been rowing, I not only feel stronger, I’m able to push through longer sets of pulses without burning out as fast. Give Rowing a try, you won’t be sorry!