Instructor Spotlight: Melissa Flanagan

Instructor Spotlight: Melissa Flanagan! Melissa joined the crew recently and is already making her mark on this Sweat Fixx community. She is one of the hardest working people we know. She is the ultimate team player, bringing her positive energy everywhere she goes. Her creative classes and contagious positive attitude makes it no surprise her…

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2020 School Year – 3 Different Perspectives

2020 – the year where nothing is normal, everything is chaotic, but everyone is trying their best. Sometimes you have to laugh, cry or yell (or all 3) to just get by. We asked 3 people on our crew to help get different perspectives on how they are handling their work, school and still prioritizing…

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Pregnant Not Powerless! Pregnancy and Working Out

Pregnant, not powerless— a phrase I have taken to heart since becoming pregnant back in August. Every time I tell someone that I’m working out or doing anything physical, I’m met with a “is that ok? I mean, you’re pregnant”. Since when did pregnancy become a disability? Because the last time I checked, I’m doing…

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The goal crusher insight: motivation vs. discipline

We have ALL been there. You discover a new diet or workout plan. You get excited and tell your friends and family about your new goals. You envision the “new you” and how much more fabulous you will look and feel once you “just lose the weight”. You start the plan, you eat what the…

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Stroke Rate & Split Time – A New Way To Find Your Power

Hi Crew- Michelle here! A large part of what makes a Sweat Fixx class fun, challenging, and addicting is the chance to watch your numbers improve as you become stronger and faster on the rower. As instructors, we love giving our clients goal times, goal distances and encouraging them to push their split time a…

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